maanantai 25. elokuuta 2014

Today I went to health care center in morning. I had a appointment 'cause I have big chance to have a disease that my mom and grandfather has (nothing serious if you take care of it with medicine). I wanted to take the tests 'cause I have had symptoms (like cold hands& feet, ague and some others). They took the blood test and will let me know.
After that I was just at home watching tv and stuff and about 5 pm I went to try dancing. It was pretty nice. Of course it was hard at first 'cause I haven't had dance as a hobby for years and everything is hard at first. But i'm thinking to continue this :p

Tomorrow I have job interview. I'm nervous, but that's normal :D I'm always nervous about job interviews. After that I'm gonna try to find new jeans for me 'cause I'm in center of Helsinki anyway.
And later (5.30 pm) I have this thing where I got invited. There's some people and we listen to songs and we can influence what they are playing in radio :)

Now I'm gonna watch some tv and go to sleep :D I'm pretty tired.

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