perjantai 8. elokuuta 2014

So I haven't been writing my blog for a really long time.,but I decided to start writing again. I actually didn't even remember I still had this. Anyway, I could tell how am I doing these days.

So when I last time I wrote, I was living with my cousin and her dog and I had a boyfriend. Almost everything has changed in almost a year. 
I had to move back home in March 'cause my cousin's grandmother, that owned our apartment, decided to sell it. and I broke-up with my boyfriend in the end of December. Only thing that has stayed the same is my friends and my working place. I'm still not sure if i'm in the right career but at least I haven't figured out anything else either.

Moving back home was a bit hard for me at first. It was difficult to get used to my mom's husband again. But I got used to it pretty fast. Pretty often he drives me crazy but I guess that's pretty normal. That's how it was before i moved out too. But even he's a bit annoying sometimes, we get along very well.

I don't even know if anyone's reading this but i'm gonna write more some other day. bye!

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