maanantai 11. elokuuta 2014

Today I was in small cruise with my grandparents and 2 cousins. It lasted 6 hours and it went to Tallinn (but it only stopped there for a while to drop off some people and take new people in).
It was pretty fun. I was mostly shopping and walking around with my cousins. Of course once in a while we went to see our grandparents to the cabin. But mostly we just wanted to be without them 'cause my grandmother can be really annoying. She never shuts up unless if someone else is talking, sometimes not even then -.- that really annoys me 'cause i'm pretty quiet person and I don't really like it if someone talks non-stop. My cousins don't like it much either. And sometimes my grandmother can be really mean, without realizing it herself and that's how she was in one point today :/ Let me tell you a little story now as a example. One time I was visiting my grandparents alone (I actually do that pretty often 'cause they ask me pretty often to come over to eat and I really can't say "no" to good food. and I would feel really bad if I would make an excuse). Anyway, we were sitting there and talking and suddenly she starts to tell bad things about my dad to me! She has never really liked my dad. I don't blame her not liking my dad 'cause no one can like everybody and my dad is sometimes a bit weird (and my grandmother disapproves his drinking). I understand that she doesn't like my dad but does she have to tell bad things about me straight to me?! I was offended and she apologized it later. I of course forgave her cause after all she's my grandmother, but I probably can never forget about it. And that's just one example. She says accidentally mean things pretty often :/

But anyway. I had good time with my cousins on the cruise and we ate good meal in one point :p there was grilled pork, shrimps, vegetables and 2 sauces in this  :) and then there was french fries in different plate :p

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