maanantai 18. elokuuta 2014

Hey everyone!
I just got back from our summer cottage :) We went there on thursday after my work. The whole time we were there was pretty rainy so we mostly were just inside watching tv or playing games or something :D

My first night at summer cottage wasn't really nice. I have had sore throat since wednesday and I still had it and everytime I sneezed irt hurted my ears. It was some kind of flu, I think. So at night I woke up like 4 am 'cause my ears were hurting so bad. I was awake a while but luckily I was able to sleep couple more hours :)

On Friday we went to an event to Lohja (it's the closest big city from our cottage) where one of my favorite bands, Madcraft, played :) it was raining during their playing bur ir really didn't matter, it was awesome anyway. After that I met them (like after every gig). I got some new Madcraft stickers and pics with them and I hugged them. While I was meeting them, it was raining and shining same time so I saw a rainbow :p By the way my throat wasn't sore at all when we were in Lohja! :) but after that it was a bit sore and my voice was down. Maybe I should've just stayed in Lohja :p

Tonight we will go to see Madcraft again 'cause they play in Helsinki and my mom and her husband (his name is Pertti) started to like them too on friday :D I wasn't supposed to go there at first 'cause I have work tomorrow morning and I won't be home probably before 11 pm but Pertti promised to take me to work in morning so I can sleep a bit longer :)

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