lauantai 30. elokuuta 2014

awesome weekend!

Hey everyone :)
Yesterday was the best day for a long time! I had so much fun! :p
I met my friend Inka at Kamppi 'cause madcraft was playing there yesterday. But we met already like 1,5 hours before that. In that 1,5 hours we were just going to different food stores 'cause, well at first we went to foodstore 'cause Inka wanted coke but then we remembered that there's names on the side of the bottle so at first we tried to find our names (didn't find, btw) and then we got an idea to try to find the names of the Madcraft members :D We went like 4 different food stores trying to find even one name of Madcraft member but we didn't. We only found some stupid old names (but it was funny, we were laughing like all the time). We gave up and went to toilet of Stockmann :D BUT then I noticed there was also coke bottles and we started to read the names and then I found it. Name of the singer of Madcraft! :) I bought the coke bottle to Tom :) and we also bought them candy and stuff :p

 found this pic today :D

Then we went to see Madcraft and it was awesome even they played only 20 minutes! :)
After that they had meet and greet. Jesse wasn't there but I autographs from rest of them and pics with Otto and Juho. With Tom I didn't have chance to get pic yesterday :( and of course I hugged them like always :)

Then at night we I went to bar with Inka. Oh my god it was so much fun :D I probably haven't laughed that much in one day before yesterday xD It was maybe the best day of my life. At least one of the best :)

Today Madcraft was playing in front of Gloria. Well... half of Madcraft :D it was great anyway :) AND THIS TIME I GOT PICS WITH TOM TOO! :D I was there again with Inka and again I had so much fun xD mostly because we were talking about last night, but otherwise too :p

Tomorrow I will see Madcraft again xD whole weekend full of Madcraft, I like it :p 

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