perjantai 22. elokuuta 2014

Madcraft gig on monday was very good :D they had pretty pervert talks but that was just fun xD 

Yesterday I had the last workday at that working place. I was there 3 months so I already got used to it :/ I wish I could have stayed there cause it was a nice place.
Anyway, yesterday at work I got scared of a pigeon that just walked in to the kitchen from outside! I'm a bit scared of birds and i'm not used to them just walk in like that so I was really scared. the pigeon just walked in the kitchen for a while but luckily it found way out.

I don't have much to write about now 'cause today i've been just at home (except i went to foodstore but otherwise i've been just at home) :D tomorrow I will be with my friend :p

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