tiistai 23. syyskuuta 2014

I have totally forgotten to update my blog now 'cause nothing special haven't happened.

Last friday I went to a bar with my oldest friend and couple other friends. I hadn't seen my friend for a while 'cause she studies in Tampere these days. I was pretty surprised when I met her 'cause she had dyed her hair a lot lighter :D I had so much fun again, but I drank a bit too much. 

Yesterday I had a bad day :/ I slept pretty badly (I woke up twice during the night). That's why I was cranky all day. It was raining almost all day (it's even alone enough to ruin my day). Then after work I went to dentist to check my teeth and she said that there's beginning of a hole (not sure how it's supposed to say but i hope you get it :D) in my wisdom tooth and if it grows they have to pull it away. I really don't want that so i started to brush my teeth (and especially wisdom tooth) very carefully. Then I bought a tea from burger king and went to wait for my dancing lesson but accidentally poured some tea on me. 
Then when I went home I got really pissed 'cause some idiot neighbour had left door of the shelter where trashcans are, open. Someone leaves it always open and it really starts to piss me off 'cause somehow it bothers me and i'm always the one who closes it :D I just don't get it, what is so hard with closing a door? It's so easy to ruin my day :D

by the way, I made the most delicious chinese food on sunday! if you're not following me on instagram, you can check pic of it in there :) my instagram is jennielisa1 :p

sunnuntai 14. syyskuuta 2014

Hey everyone!
I had so much fun last night at my friend's and her boyfriend's housewarming party! :) there was only 2 guests besides me but it didn't matter. We played board games (cluedo and alfapet. we also wanted to play alias but there was 5 of us so the teams would've not been even :/)
I was very drunk :D and I probably wasn't the only one xD We also played football inside (the apartment is pretty roomy). I have a video of it :D
Then in some point we went to a pub and played billiard even the teams wasn't even. And I spent all my coins to slot machine xD I also got a new nickname: Hikka (=hiccup) :D cause I had hiccup like 3 times during the night XD 
Then we went to train station to wait train that would take me and other guest to Helsinki. We were hugging a lot while waiting the train 'cause it was so cold  :D it was really nice. So I got new friends! :) We were talking about doing this again soon. Can't wait!

when one drink isn't enough XD

Today I was just with my friend :)

lauantai 6. syyskuuta 2014

It's been really nice weekend again :)  Friday after work I went to center of the city to wait for my friend Yvonne to come to Helsinki :) She's from Germany but has been studying now in Tampere (a year) and this was the last time I'm going to see her before she goes back to Germany.
Then we went to see Madcraft (yeah. almost all my posts are about them, sorry xD ). They were playing in Kamppi with 17 other bands/artists in xbox one event. It was awesome! even they played only 3 songs :( but still! Yvonne had never really heard Madcraft and yesterday she started to like them :)

Then we came to my place and went for a little night walk to a beach.
And today I dyed her hair and then we went to center of the city. We were just walking around and went to the cinema to see sex tape :D and at 6 pm her train left back to Tampere :( anyway, I had a great time with her :)